Ilmu adalah sebaik-baik Pusaka. Adab adalah sebaik-baik Sifat. Taqwa itu sebaik-baik bekal. Ibadah itu adalah sebaik-baik barang perniagaan (Ali bin Abi Thalib).
Setiap orang dilahirkan dengan bakat dan minat yang berbeda. Jangan pernah Anda membandingkan, karena belom tentu Anda bisa melakuin apa yang Orang lain. Just Show Your Talents Well.
1.How do you know about Speech act? Explain more about it!
2.What is the difference between Locutionary, Illocutionary and Perlocutionary acts? Explain and give 3 the examples for each explanation!
3.How do you analysis the indirect speech act performances? Explain clearly!
4.What are the classifications of Illocutionary speech acts in speech act? Explain more about it!
5.In his theory, Searle introduces the notions of 'primary' and 'secondary' illocutionary acts. Explain about that by your Understanding!
Good Luck and Do Your BEST!!!
1. Speech act is a technical term in linguistics and the philosophy of language. The contemporary use of the term goes back to John L. Austin's doctrine of locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts
·A locutionary act, the performance of an utterance: the actual utterance and its ostensible meaning, comprising phonetic, phatic and rhetic acts corresponding to the verbal, syntactic and semantic aspects of any meaningful utterance;
·A illocutionary act: the semantic 'illocutionary force' of the utterance, thus its real, intended meaning (see below);
·In saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, please give me your attention", the speaker requests the audience to be quiet.
·In saying, "Vicky with me to that building over there!", Huda challenges Lian.
·A perlocutionary act: its actual effect, such as persuading, convincing, scaring, enlightening, inspiring, or otherwise getting someone to do or realize something, whether intended or not (Austin 1962).
3. According to searle’s explanation, the ways to analysis the indirect speech act performances are:
Step 1: Understand the facts of the conversation.
Step 2: Assume cooperation and relevance on behalf of the participants.
Step 3: Establish factual background information pertinent to the conversation.
Step 4: Make assumptions about the conversation based on steps 1–3.
Step 5: If steps 1–4 do not yield a consequential meaning, then infer that there are two illocutionary forces at work.
Step 6: Assume the hearer has the ability to perform the act the speaker suggests. The act that the speaker is asking be performed must be something that would make sense for one to ask. For example, the hearer might have the ability to pass the salt when asked to do so by a speaker who is at the same table, but not have the ability to pass the salt to a speaker who is asking the hearer to pass the salt during a telephone conversation.
Step 7: Make inferences from steps 1–6 regarding possible primary illocutions.
Step 8: Use background information to establish the primary illocution (Searle 184).
With this process, Searle concludes that he has found a method that will satisfactorily reconstruct what happens when an indirect speech act is performed.
4. According to John Searle (1975) also, he has set up the following classification of illocutionary speech acts:
assertives = speech acts that commit a speaker to the truth of the expressed proposition, e.g. reciting a creed
commissives = speech acts that commit a speaker to some future action, e.g. promises and oaths
declarations = speech acts that change the reality in accord with the proposition of the declaration, e.g. baptisms, pronouncing someone guilty or pronouncing someone husband and wife
directives = speech acts that are to cause the hearer to take a particular action, e.g. requests, commands and advice
expressives = speech acts that express the speaker's attitudes and emotions towards the proposition, e.g. congratulations, excuses and thanks
5. The primary illocutionary act is the indirect one, which is not literally performed. The secondary illocutionary act is the direct one, performed in the literal utterance of the sentence (Searle 178). In the example:
(1) Speaker A: "We should leave for the show or else we’ll be late."
(2) Speaker B: "I am not ready yet."
Here the primary illocutionary act is B's rejection of A's suggestion, and the secondary illocutionary act is B's statement that she is not ready to leave. By dividing the illocutionary act into two subparts, Searle is able to explain that we can understand two meanings from the same utterance all the while knowing which the correct meaning to respond to is.
Title: “Clekit”! The simple picture in mass media always criticizes the phenomena’s faced by the society.
Name: Nanang Mutasim Billah
NIM: 07320110
Class: A
As the user of a certain language, the human beings choose the words to make a sentence and explore or say the language to others, either by oral or writing manner. Generally, a language is not only used to share the message but also to strike the interest. Therefore, the use of language can be interpreted to influence, conquer, incline, and domesticate others and the action is the specification of the effects of the communicative acts. The very fact that speech acts are conventional means that specifying the effects of the utterance of, say, a declarative sentence or performance of an assertion, requires taking into consideration many possible deviation from the conventional use of sentences – specifically uses that are insincere, not serious or indirect.
In this final project of Discourse Analysis, the writer will not discus the language in oral, but the writer will discus the writing language especially in mass media. Most of us know that all mass media always expose and criticize the hot news that is interesting in the society, but not all mass media uses the unique way to criticize or expose the problem facing by the society. In this report, the writer will show us about the mass media that discusses and criticizes the incident of the hot news that is discussed by the society of Indonesian at that time by using the pictures.
Here, the writer takes one of mass media that using that way, the mass media is Jawa Post. In the part of sheet of its, Jawa post provide the page for the readers to give the opinion about the phenomena’s facing. In this sheet, the readers can see “Clekit” that is the simple picture always criticize the phenomena’s facing.
After reading this report, the readers will know more about the simple way of mass media that criticize the phenomena’s facing, as politic, social, etc. we could realize that a simple language and picture can make the readers know and understand what the creator means.
II.Discussion and Analysis
The writer will use the simple theory of Dell Hymes who proposed the theory of SPEAKING and Implicature. The discussion related to Criticize used in mass media of Jawa Post will be explained in turn as below:
a.Picture 1 (Datum 1)
The picture above is one kind of criticism of Clekit pictures in the mass media of Jawa Post. At the glance, the creator of this picture (Wahyu Kokkang) always criticizes the phenomena in the society clearly by drawing the Clekit pictures and a little sentence that can be understood by the readers. In the picture above discuss and show the readers about the phenomena of Pujiono Cahyo Widianto or well known as Syeh Puji; the riches man comes from Semarang who married with the beautiful young girl in his environment; Ulfa. When he married Ulfa, Ulfa is still 12 years old. This phenomenon’s raised to public and became the most favorite news. Every single person was talking about the news and always waiting for the progress report. The commission of Indonesian children protection (KPAI) observed and wanted to make a solving of the problems. Facing this problem, Syekh Puji thought that he follows Rasul by taking marriage Siti Aisyah who was 9 years old at that time.
The analysis of the picture will be explained clearly by using Hyme’s SPEAKING theory and Speech Act below:
I. Analysis Using Hymes SPEAKING theory and Implicature theory
In order to solve the problem of how we understand speakers to mean things that they don’t actually say. We need first to draw a distinction between what the linguistic philosopher Paul Grice (1967a) called the natural and the non-natural meanings of utterances like.
According to that statement, analyzing the picture above (Datum 1) is the scene and the setting of the picture above (that discussed about the Syekh Puji Phenomena) was in mass media of Jawa Post, especially in the chapter of “opini” in the page 6 on the 25th of October 2008. We could know more about who are the participants because the creator does not give the clear explanation about the characters.
The end of this picture above is talking about the nicest dreams if we are Syekh Puji that was popular than artist and had power to make decision at that time with his opulence than government. Although, the creator did not explain us about this but the readers knew about it. It refers to the form and content of a message. In picture, again, when the first person in the picture said “pingin rasanya ngetop kayak artis!” (I really want to be popular as an artist) and the second person in the same picture do not defeat with the first person, he says: “pengen rasanya bisa berkuasa kayak pejabat!” (it is very nice if I have a power as the government has), the end person in the picture said: “kalo saya sih Cuma pengen bisa seperti Syekh Puji…” (if I only want to be Syekh Puji…), the implicature of his answer is the form of the message, and the content of the message is not mention that the last person is lowest, but he tried to show the public that Syekh Puji was popular than artist and had power to make decision at that time with his opulence than government. The content is analyzed based on the topic which is resulted by the form of the message. The topic of the message is about the condition of the person in this case is suitable with Hymes’ statement “content enters analysis first of all perhaps as a question of topic and of change of topic” (1986: 60).
Key related to the tone, manner, or spirit in which a particular message is conveyed: light-hearted, serious, precise, pedantic, mocking, sarcastic, pompous, and so on. Related to this term, the creator doesn’t even realize to use it but the creator use a simple strategic sentence to make the readers know what the creator means. Here, the readers could not know that the mass media of Jawa Post uses correct intonation or not, because the readers are only able to see and read the words or sentences in the pictures, so they just can imagine what the creator means.We have already known that the instrument of this picture is mass media of Jawa post.
The norm of interaction does not depend on social status or general social interaction in society. The Creator will make the picture and criticize based on the problems faced. Creator will not use a more formal or polite language. Norm of interpretation is the way how the readers interpreted what the creator means. In the picture above, the creator uses his own polite language as the norm and the ethics of mass media instruction, and also easy to be understood by the readers without thinking.
a.Picture 2 (Datum 2)
The picture above is also one kind of criticism of Clekit pictures in the mass media of Jawa Post. At the glance, the creator of this picture (Wahyu Kokkang) raises the problem with a simple way and easy to understand. In the picture above discuss and show the readers about the phenomena of the sex video. Actually, the sex videos have been circulated in the internet, but one thing that makes this topic different is the players of sex video; that justified as the three top artists in Indonesia, as Ariel Peterpan, Luna Maya, and Cut Tary. This phenomenon’s raised to public and became the most favorite news during in the beginning of June 2010. Every single person is still talking about the news and they are always waiting for the progress report; maybe this news is still waited the audiences after this paper marked.
The analysis of the picture also will be explained clearly by using Hyme’s SPEAKING theory below:
I. Analysis Using Hymes SPEAKING theory and Implicature theory
The picture 2 (datum II) also will use Hymes Speaking and implicature theory: start from The scene and the setting of the picture above (that discussed about the Sex Video Phenomena that guessed the players are Ariel; the Vocalist of Peterpan, Luna Maya; The presenter, Models, Artist, also Cut Tary; Models, and Presenter) was in mass media of Jawa Post, especially in the section of “opini” in the page 6 on Thursday 10th of July 2010. The creators shows to us that the participants discussed above are Ariel; the Vocalist of Peterpan, Luna Maya; The presenter, Models, Artist, also Cut Tary; Models, and Presenter.
The ends of the picture shows us that still many sex video in the next time, because the developing issues show that still many artist that their sex video recorded with the different women but the same man. The implicature of last picture that say “to be continue…” show us that the sex video is not only about Ariel vs Luna and Ariel Vs Cut Tary, but also some of Women Artist that will be explained in the following analysis.
Act Sequence of this picture refers to the form and content of a message. In picture, again, when the first phone / picture above said “Ariel_Luna Maya.mp4” (it shows us that, the creator wants to show us that the first sex video players are Ariel and Luna Maya) and the second phone or picture in the same picture continues the first picture that says: “Ariel_Cut Tary.mp4” (this statement in the picture shows that the following sex video players are Ariel / the same man and Cut Tary / the different woman), and the end of the picture said: “to be continue” (the last picture show us that there are still many sex video that the player is Ariel with other women as AK,AE,BCL and etc). We can catch that those simple words in the picture above can publish that the simple words can influence the readers about the developing issues that still many sex videos are waiting to download.
Key related to the tone, manner, or spirit in which a particular message is conveyed: light-hearted, serious, precise, pedantic, mocking, sarcastic, pompous, and so on. Related to this term, the creator doesn’t even realize to use it but the creator use a simple strategic sentence to make the readers know what the creator means. Here, the readers could not know that the mass media of Jawa Post uses correct intonation or not, because the readers are only able to see and read the words or sentences in the pictures, so they just can imagine what the creator means. We have already known that the instrument of this picture is mass media of Jawa post. The norm of interaction does not depend on social status or general social interaction in society. The Creator will make the picture and criticize based on the problems faced. Creator will not use a more formal or polite language. Norm of interpretation is the way how the readers interpreted what the creator means. In the picture above, the creator uses his own polite language as the norm and the ethics of mass media instruction, and also easy to be understood by the readers without thinking.
After reading the analysis of the pictures in mass media of Jawa Post, especially Clekit side, we can know and understand that the creator of Clekit picture use the simple way to expose and criticize the phenomena that happens and be the hot news in the society of Indonesia at that time. The creator does not need the long explanation about his means as the examples given above. He uses the effective and efficient language, as the theory of Implicature that says: “minimum sentence, maximum message” (Implicature Quantity theory of Maxims)
In short, we can get the conclusion that the simple things can have a big meaning if we can show and explore it well and make it’s easy to understand, and sometime the simple picture or a simple thing has an implicit meaning if we know the story of the pictures discussed.
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